VHDL language Tutorial
This VHDL language tutorial covers VHDL concepts which include entity,architecture, process,ports of mode,object types,VHDL data types,operators and example VHDL implementation.
VHDL stands for VHSIC Hardware Description language. VHSIC is further abbreviated as Very High Speed Integrated Circuits. VHDL is a programming language which is used for describing the behavior of digital circuits ranging from simple logic gates (few gate counts) to complex logic chips consisting of several million gates. It can be used for both designs as well as for writing Test benches.
VHDL concepts
Every VHDL design unit consists of an Entity and Architecture declaration, Apart from having configurations, package declarations and package body.
An Entity defines the components input and output port signals (interface). It gives the Black box view of the design. The mode of I/O ports can be in, out, inout or buffer depending upon the design. Every Entity declaration must e accompanied by at least one corresponding Architecture declaration. The entity definition also defines generic parameters if they are used in the module.
The Architecture unit of the design describes the behavior of the design(function of the component). There are mainly 3 types of description style, behavioral, dataflow and structural description.
1.Behavioral description style consists of several process statements. Behavioral description is usually written in sequential, procedural method.
2. Data flow is generally used for describing simple logic blocks, it consists of concurrent statements. All the data paths and control signals are shown in the data flow method.
3. Structural method various components are instantiated and there interconnected. Basically it is used for Interconnecting of components Each method can be used depending on the need of the design.
The Behavioral style of VHDL is very similar to the C language. It uses if-else, case, while and many other similar constructs as in C and the statements inside a process block are executed sequentially as in C.
EXAMPLE Entity:The primary purpose of the Entity is to declare signals in the component s interface. Entity gives the black box views of the module, i.e. the I/O ports as can be seen from fig1.

entity half_adder IS
port ( din1, din2 : in std_logic ; -- Inputs
sum, carry : out std_logic ) ; --outputs
end half_adder ;

Architecture defines the functionality of the circuit with respect to ports.
// data flow method
architecture hf_arch_dataflow of half_adder is
Sum <= din1 xor din2;
Carry <= din and din2;
end hf_arch_dataflow
Now let's use this half_adder component to construct a full_adder. Here we make use of structural coding style figure below shows full adder constructed from two half adder components.

entity full_adder is
port (din1, din2, carry_in : in std_logic ; -- inputs
Sum_out,carry_out : out std_logic) ; -- outputs
End full_adder;
architecture full_adder_Arch of full_adder is
--Component Instantiate
component half_adder
port ( din1, din2 : in std_logic; -- Inputs
sum, carry : out std_logic) ; --outputs
end component;
signal temp1,temp2,temp3: std_logic; // signal declaration for storing intermediate value
--interconnection of components i.e port mapping
H1: half_adder port map(din1,din2,temp1,temp3);
H2: half_adder port map(temp1,carry_in,sum_out,temp2)
O1:or_gate port map(temp2,temp3,carry_out); --behavioral code for OR gate is described
--later in the section
end full_adder_Arch;
The process block is the core of the behavioral style. Statements within a process block are executed in a sequential manner. Behavioral models are made up exclusively of process blocks. The variables which are passed with a process block is called sensitivity list. The statements enclosed between 'begin' and 'end' keywords are sequentially executed. The all other process blocks in the design run Concurrently with respect to each other.
entity or_gate is
port (in1,in2: in std_logic;
d_out: out std_logic);
end or_gate;
architecture behv of or_gates is
process(in1,in2) -process statement
-- compare to truth table
if ((in1='0') and (in2='0')) then
d_out <= '0';
d_out <= '1';
end if;
end process;
end behv;
Ports of Mode
The Port mode of the interface describes the direction in which data travels.
IN: In port is unidirectional port. It can be read but cannot be updated within the module.
OUT: Out port can be updated but not read within the module, it carries information outside the module.
INOUT: The inout mode is used for bidirectional mode.
BUFFER: Buffer mode is used for outputs whose values are also required inside the entity
Object Types
Signals: Signals are used as interconnects between components and also to store temporary values. Signals can be declared internal to architecture and are not available external to the architecture.
Constant: A constant is an object whose value may never be changed during the simulation process.
constant PI:real=3.141592653
Variable: Variable is an object whose value may be changed after creation.
counter: process (x,y)
variable counter : integer := -1;
counter:= counter +1;
end process;
VHDL data types
Enumeration types
Boolean, ("TRUE', "FALSE")
Bit type ("0","1")
Character ("b","f")
String ("Hello")
Integer types (375,284)
Float types (1.057,0.45)
Standard logic

EXAMPLE VHDL Implementation
Let us implement a simple scrambler/randomizer which is used in IEEE 802.16d standard. as per the circuit shown below.

library IEEE;
entity Randomizer is
port(clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
load : in std_logic;
seed : in std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
data_input : in std_logic;
valid_input : in std_logic;
data_output : out std_logic;
valid_output : out std_logic
end Randomizer;
architecture behaviour of Randomizer is
Signal shift_reg : std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
signal valid_input1 : std_logic;
signal data_input1 : std_logic;
Process( clk,reset)
if reset = '1' then
shift_reg <= (others => '0');
valid_input1 <= '0';
data_input1 <= '0';
valid_output <= '0';
data_output <= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
data_input1 <=data_input;
if load='1' then
shift_reg(0) <= seed(14);
shift_reg(1) <= seed(13);
shift_reg(2) <= seed(12);
shift_reg(3) <= seed(11);
shift_reg(4) <= seed(10);
shift_reg(5) <= seed(9);
shift_reg(6) <= seed(8);
shift_reg(7) <= seed(7);
shift_reg(8) <= seed(6);
shift_reg(9) <= seed(5);
shift_reg(10) <= seed(4);
shift_reg(11) <= seed(3);
shift_reg(12) <= seed(2);
shift_reg(13) <= seed(1);
shift_reg(14) <= seed(0);
elsif valid_input='1' then
shift_reg(14) <= shift_reg(13);
shift_reg(13) <= shift_reg(12);
shift_reg(12) <= shift_reg(11);
shift_reg(11) <= shift_reg(10);
shift_reg(10) <= shift_reg(9);
shift_reg(9) <= shift_reg(8);
shift_reg(8) <= shift_reg(7);
shift_reg(7) <= shift_reg(6);
shift_reg(6) <= shift_reg(5);
shift_reg(5) <= shift_reg(4);
shift_reg(4) <= shift_reg(3);
shift_reg(3) <= shift_reg(2);
shift_reg(2) <= shift_reg(1);
shift_reg(1) <= shift_reg(0);
shift_reg(0) <= shift_reg(13) xor shift_reg(14);
end if;
if valid_input1 = '1' then
data_output <= shift_reg(0) xor data_input1;
valid_output <= '1';
data_output <= '0';
valid_output <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behaviour;
Refer following as well as links mentioned on left side panel for useful VHDL codes.
D Flipflop
T Flipflop
Read Write RAM
4 bit binary counter
Radix4 Butterfly
16QAM Modulation
2bit Parallel to serial
RF and Wireless tutorials
WLAN 802.11ac 802.11ad wimax Zigbee z-wave GSM LTE UMTS Bluetooth UWB IoT satellite Antenna RADAR