Smart Grid Tutorial-operations,technologies,companies

This page of tutorials section covers Smart Grid tutorial. It covers smart grid basics, smart grid operations, smart grid technologies and smart grid companies in USA and INDIA.

The term "Grid" refers to a system of high tension cables by which electrical power is distributed throughout a region to provide service to the consumers.

What is Smart Grid?

A smart grid is an electricity network which uses digital and other advanced technologies to manage and monitor transport of electricity from sources to destinations. Sources refer to power generation sources and destinations refer to end users.

The goal of smart grids is to co-ordinate different part of system efficiently as much as possible. It includes grid operators, end users, electricity stake holders etc.

smart grid communication

Smart Grid Operations

Figure-1 depicts smart communication based applications. The Hierarchy of operations are listed below:
• Integrated Utility Business Operation ( Asset management, data warehouse, etc.)
• Added value network management & optimization (applications and systems) such as network planning, meter data management, network information, advanced applications (EMS, DMS, EBM, Trading)
• Network Control and Supervision (Single or multi-utility) such as SCADA etc.
• Communication such as privare and public networks etc.
• Field data acquisition, local control and automation (RTUx, meters, protection etc.)

Smart Grid Architecture

Smart Grid Architecture

The figure depicts smart grid architecture and its components/modules.
Refer Smart Grid Architecture >> for more information.

Smart Grid Technologies

Following table-1 mentions various Smart Grid Technologies.

Technology Hardware Systems/software
Wide Area Monitoring and control Phasor measurement units, sensor equipments SCADA, WAMS(Wide Area Monitoring Systems), WAAPCA(Wide Area Adaptive Protection Control and Automation), WASA(Wide Area Situational Awareness)
Information and communication technology integration Communication equipments such as wimax, lte; routers, relays, gateways, switches ERP ( enterprise resource planning software) , CIS (Customer Information System)
Renewed and distributed generation integration power conditioning equipment for grid and for bulk power EMS(Energy Management System), DMS(Distributed Management System)
Transmission enhancement Superconductors, HVDC, FACTS Network stability analysis,automatic recovery systems
distribution grid management Automated re-closers, switches, capacitors, remote controlled distributed generation, wire and cable sensors, transformer sensors GIS (Geographic Information System) , DMS, OMS (Outage Management System), WMS (Workforce Management System)
advanced metering infrastructure Smart meter, relays, servers, in-home displays MDMS (Meter data management system)
electric vehicle charging infrastructure Charging infrastructure, batteries, inverters Energy billing, smart grid to vehicle charging (G2V), discharging vehicle to grid (V2G) methodologies
customer side systems smart appliances, routers, smart thermostat, thermal accmulators, energy dashboards, energy applications for smart phones and tablets, energy management systems

Smart Grid Companies USA

Following table-2 mentions top smart grid companies in USA.

Company Name
Schneider Electric
Silver Springs Networks

Smart Grid Companies INDIA

Following table-3 mentions top smart grid companies in INDIA. ABB, Cisco, SIEMENS, Schneider Electric and IBM operates in INDIA too.

Company Name
HCL Infosystems
New Delhi Power Ltd
General Electric
Power Grid
Larsen & Toubro
Echelon Corporation
Ecolibrium Energy
Mahindra Satyam
POSOCO (Power System Operation Corporation Limited) subsidiary of Power Grid Corporation
Cyan Holding Plc.

IoT Wireless Technologies

THREAD    ➤EnOcean    ➤LoRa    ➤SIGFOX    ➤WHDI    ➤NFC   ➤Lonworks   ➤CEBus   ➤UPB  

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