Understanding Bluetooth Physical Layer : Specifications & Modulation
The physical layer forms the foundation of Bluetooth communication by defining the modulation techniques, transmission parameters, and signal characteristics. It governs how data is transmitted over the air, enabling reliable wireless communication. In this page, we delve into the Bluetooth physical layer's specifications as per IEEE 802.15.1, covering modulation methods like GFSK, signal representation, and the impact of physical layer attributes on data transfer rates.
Bluetooth network is composed of one master and one to seven slave devices. This small region is referred as piconet. Once master device selects channel with frequency hopping sequence and time to transmit, the same is used by other devices also in the same piconet. One bluetooth device of piconet can also exist and function as either master or slave in the other nearby biconet, this overlapping region is referred as scatternet.
Frequency hopping
It serves two purpose, one is that it helps provide resistance to multipath interference. Second one is that it provide multiple access to devices in different piconets co-located.
Bluetooth system uses frequency hopping scheme with about 80 different frequencies,with a carrier spacing of about 1MHz.With frequency hopping enabled, a logical channel is defined by hopping sequence. At any time 1 MHz bandwidth is shared by max. 8 devices. Different logical channels can utilize same 80 MHz BW at the same time. Collisions occur when two bluetooth devices use same hopping frequency simultaneously evenif they are on different piconets and different logical channels. The hopping rate is 1600 hops per second, hence physical channel exists for only 0.625ms.
Bluetooth radio uses TDD topology in which data transmission occur in one direction at one time and it alternates in two directions one after the other. The access is TDMA, as piconet medium is shared among two devices. Hence piconet access is referred as FH-TDD-TDMA.
Physical links
There are two ways link can be established between master and slave devices.
1. SCO referred as Synchronous connection oriented.
In this type, fixed bandwidth is allocated for point to point connection between master and slave.
The basic reservation is 2 consecutive slots. The master supports 3 SCO links and slave supports 2 or 3 links.
2. ACL referred as Asynchronous connectionless.
This is used for point to multipoint link between master and slaves.
Only one ACL link exists and for more retransmission of packet is required.
In the cases when slots are not reserved in SCO links,
master device can exchange packets with any of the slave device on a per time slot.
Baseband packet formats
Bluetooth Packet Format = Access Code(72 bits) + Header(54 bits) + Payload (0 to 2745 bits)
Access code consists of preamble(4bits),sync word(64bits) and trailer field(4 bits).
Header field consists of AM_ADDR(3 bits), type(4 bits),flow(1 bit),ARQN(1 bit),SEQN(1 bit) and HEC(8 bits).
As mentioned above, access code in bluetooth packet is used for timing synchronization and other offset compensations.
Access code is also used for paging requests, paging responses and inquiry purposes.
Header is used for identification of packet type and will carry protocol control information.
Payload field will carry user voice or data.
Channel Access code identifies a piconet, Device Access Code used for paging REQ/RES, Inquiry Access Code
is used for inquiry purposes.
Error Correction Methods
1/3 rate forward error correction (FEC)
2/3 rate forward error correction (FEC)
Automatic Repeat Request Scheme (ARQ)
Header and payload processing through Bluetooth Physical layer
It transmits data in the form of packets, which consist of two main parts: the header and the payload.
Each packet can vary in size and structure depending on the Bluetooth version and type of data being transmitted.
Header: Contains control information necessary for packet management and decoding. It includes details like packet type, flow control,
address, sequence number, and error-checking bits.
Payload: Holds the actual user data being transmitted. It can vary in size depending on the type of packet and the Bluetooth version.
The payload could be voice data, audio data, or general data packets.

Header Processing :
• Addressing Information: The header contains addressing fields, such as the Active Member Address (AM_ADDR) and Logical Transport Address (LT_ADDR),
which are used to identify the devices participating in communication.
• Packet Type and Length: The packet type and length fields in the header specify the nature of the data being transmitted (e.g., data, control, or voice)
and the size of the payload. This helps the receiving device understand how to process the incoming packet.
• Error Checking and Correction: The header includes error-checking fields such as a 1/3 rate FEC (Forward Error Correction) scheme, which helps identify
and correct any errors that might have occurred during transmission.
• Flow Control and Acknowledgment: The header uses flow control bits to indicate whether the device is ready to receive data.
Sequence numbers are used to keep track of transmitted packets and ensure reliable delivery.

Payload Processing:
• Encoding and Modulation: Before transmission, the payload data is encoded and modulated using methods like Gaussian Frequency-Shift Keying
(GFSK), π/4-DQPSK, or 8-DPSK depending on the Bluetooth version and mode (e.g., Basic Rate, Enhanced Data Rate).
• Payload Formatting: The payload may be formatted differently based on whether it’s carrying voice, audio, or data packets.
For example, voice packets might not include error-checking fields due to the real-time nature of voice communication.
• Whitening and Encryption: To reduce the impact of interference and to secure the communication, the payload is often whitened
(randomized) and encrypted (if security is enabled).
• Channel Coding: The payload may go through channel coding, like FEC, to enhance error resistance, especially in noisy environments.
Transmission and Reception
➨Transmission: After header and payload processing, the entire packet is transmitted over the physical channel using frequency hopping.
Bluetooth employs a fast frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) technique to mitigate interference and ensure reliable communication.
➨Reception: The receiving device captures the packet, demodulates it, and performs error-checking and correction on the header.
Once the header is verified, it extracts and decodes the payload data. If the packet is correctly received and verified,
it sends an acknowledgment back to the sender.
Role of Physical Channels and Link Control :
The Bluetooth physical layer defines logical channels that map to different services (e.g., ACL for data, SCO for voice).
Link control fields in the header ensure that packets are transmitted over the correct logical channels and facilitate
synchronization and timing between devices.
A strong grasp of the Bluetooth physical layer allows engineers and developers to optimize signal transmission and improve connectivity. By understanding the modulation techniques and signal structure, you can enhance the efficiency of your Bluetooth devices and applications. Explore how physical layer attributes influence the overall performance of Bluetooth communication systems.
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