Rectangular Waveguide Dimensions: Standard WR Sizes Chart

Rectangular waveguides are essential components in RF and microwave engineering, offering efficient transmission of high-frequency signals. These waveguides are available in standard sizes, commonly denoted by WR numbers, such as WR28 and WR90 which indicate specific dimensions and frequency ranges. Understanding the dimensions and applications of various WR sizes is crucial for designing systems in radar, satellite communications, and test equipment. This guide presents a comprehensive chart of standard WR waveguide dimensions to assist engineers and designers in selecting the right waveguide for their applications.

Waveguide sizes

Following table mentions frequency, broad dimension and narrow dimensions for various waveguide sizes. It covers standard waveguide dimensions from WR-1 to WR-2300.

Waveguide Size (USA std.) Frequency (GHz) Broad dimension-b (Inch) Narrow dimension-a (Inch) b (mm) a (mm)
WR-2300 0.32-0.49 23.0000 11.5000 584.2 292.1
WR-2100 0.35-0.53 21.000 10.5000 533.4 266.7
WR-1800 0.43-0.62 18.000 9.0000 457.2 228.6
WR-1500 0.49-0.74 15.000 7.5000 381 190.5
WR-1150 0.64-0.96 11.500 5.7500 292.1 146.05
WR-1000 0.75-1.1 9.975 4.9875 253.365 126.6825
WR-975 0.75-1.12 9.750 4.8750 247.65 123.825
WR-770 0.96-1.46 7.700 3.8500 195.58 97.79
WR-650 1.12-1.70 6.500 3.2500 165.1 82.55
WR-510 1.45-2.20 5.100 2.5500 129.54 64.77
WR-430 1.70-2.60 4.300 2.1500 109.22 54.61
WR-340 2.20-3.30 3.400 1.7000 86.36 43.18
WR-284 2.60-3.95 2.840 1.4200 72.136 36.068
WR-229 3.30-4.90 2.290 1.1450 58.166 29.083
WR-187 3.95-5.85 1.870 0.9350 47.498 23.749
WR-159 4.90-7.05 1.590 0.7950 40.386 20.193
WR-137 5.85-8.20 1.370 0.6850 34.798 17.399
WR-112 7.05-10.0 1.120 0.5600 28.448 14.224
WR-102 7.00-11.0 1.020 0.5100 25.908 12.954
WR-90 8.20-12.40 0.900 0.400 22.86 11.43
WR-75 10.0-15.0 0.750 0.3750 19.05 9.525
WR-62 12.40-18.0 0.620 0.3100 15.748 7.874
WR-51 15.0-22.0 0.510 0.2550 12.954 6.477
WR-42 18.0-26.5 0.420 0.2100 10.668 5.334
WR-28 26.5-40.0 0.280 0.1400 7.112 3.556
WR-22 33.0-50.0 0.220 0.1100 5.588 2.794
WR-19 40.0-60.0 0.190 0.0950 4.826 2.413
WR-15 50.0-75.0 0.150 0.0750 3.81 1.905
WR-12 60.0-90.0 0.120 0.0600 3.048 1.524
WR-10 75.0-110.0 0.100 0.0500 2.54 1.27
WR-8 90.0-140.0 0.080 0.0400 2.032 1.016
WR-6 110.0-170.0 0.065 0.0325 1.651 0.8255
WR-5 140.0-220.0 0.051 0.0255 1.2954 0.6477
WR-4 170.0-260.0 0.043 0.0215 1.0922 0.5461
WR-3 220.0-325.0 0.034 0.0170 0.8636 0.4318
WR-2 325.0-500.0 0.020 0.0100 0.508 0.254
WR-1 750.0-1100.0 0.010 0.0050 0.254 0.127


Rectangular waveguides, with their standardized WR sizes, provide a reliable solution for transmitting microwave signals with minimal loss. The waveguide size chart serves as a valuable reference for matching waveguides to specific frequency bands and applications. By selecting the correct waveguide dimensions, engineers can ensure optimal system performance in high frequency designs. Whether for commercial or industrial use, rectangular waveguides remain a cornerstone of microwave technology.

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