Digital Forensics investigation | What is Digital Forensics

This article explains what is digital forensics.It describes steps involved in digital forensics investigation and mentions branches of digital forensics.

As we are aware that day to day crime in the world is increasing and criminals are using digital technologies to commit the crime. Hence it has become essential to know latest digital technologies, cyber related tools, hacking tools and softwares, digital storage devices, communication methods (e.g. email, sms, mms, social networking sites) etc. All these are required in advance for digital forensics.

The term "digital forensics" is defined as "science of collecting and analyzing evidence available in the digital form". It is also defined in wikipedia as "branch of forensic science encompassing recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices often in relation to computer related crimes."

Digital Forensics investigation Steps

digital forensics investigation steps

The figure-1 depicts steps involved in digital forensics investigation for collection and analysis of digital evidence. These are divided into following three steps:

• Acquisition: The process of gathering electronic evidence is called acquisition or disk imaging or acquiring evidence.

• Analysis of data: In this step, analysis is carried out using various forensic tools and using algorithms based on collected evidence.

• Reporting: Evidence is presented in the form of written report when forensic investigation is completed.

Digital Forensics Branches

digital forensics branches

Following are the branches of digital forensics:
• Computer forensics
• Network forensics
• mobile forensics
• live forensics
• database forensics

RF and Wireless Terminologies

SATELLITE  RF  Antenna  Avionics  Wireless  LiFi vs WiFi  MiFi vs WiFi  BPSK vs QPSK  BJT vs FET  PDH vs SDH  CS vs PS  MS vs PS