OFDM Physical Layer Measurements : EVM, Power, CCDF, Spectrum, IQ diagram
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a widely used modulation technique in modern communication systems due to its spectral efficiency and resilience to interference. Accurate measurements at the physical layer are essential to ensure optimal performance and signal quality. Key metrics such as Error Vector Magnitude (EVM), Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF), Power Spectrum analysis, channel frequency response (CFR), spectral flatness and IQ Constellation measurements play a critical role in evaluating and optimizing OFDM signals. This page delves into each of these parameters, explaining their significance and how they are measured in wireless communication systems.
Power Spectrum measurement
It is the Baseband transmitter power spectrum measured at the output of IFFT module. Following equation is used to determine value in dB. X axis represent frequency. The spectrum is the response of the power at various frequency bands. This helps design proper filter to take care of RF compliance requirement of the spectrum as per RF regulatory bodies.
Transmit Power
It is the instantaneous power at the output of IFFT module in baseband transmitter. Baseband transmit power helps power amplifier to design the system taking into consideration PAPR characteristics of the modulated spectrum of the system. This is mentioned in Equation below.
EVM per Sub carriers
This measurement is usually calculated after taking FFT in the de-mapper (before de mapping).
The generic equation is mentioned below. Here 200 are the total carriers (data + pilots) in one symbol. Likewise EVM for all the symbols in LP packets and NF frames are calculated.
For example if OFDM frame is 10 symbols long and say each symbol has 192 data carriers then EVM is plotted for all the subcarriers across all the 10 symbols.
EVM per symbols
It provides the individual symbol EVMs for each subcarrier, at each symbol, for all symbol times within the time domain frame. For Example if OFDM frame is 10 Symbol long and each symbol has 192 data carriers then the EVM per symbols measurement is plotted for all the symbols and each symbol will have 192 EVM values for all the data carriers within the symbol. This is called DATA RCE (Relative constellation error) also. The same can be plotted for pilot carriers also. This physical layer measurement is very useful to determine performance of the modem.
The figure depicts effect of worst (EVM=20) and good (EVM=35) constellation as effect of EVMs.
The CCDF i.e. complementary cumulative distribution function is a statistical power
calculation and can only be performed on time-domain data.
➨Y axis- units of percent
➨X axis- power in dB
Power on the x-axis is relative to the signal average power,
so 0 dB is the average power of the signal.
For example, 3 dB at 15 percent means there is a 15 percent
probability that the signal power will be 3 dB or more above the average power.
This physical layer measurement helps RF designers working on power amplifier design.
IQ Constellation Diagram
This measurement is carried out at the output of IQ mapper as mentioned below for X and Y axis.
➨X axis: In-Phase component in volts represented as I (V)
➨Y axis: Quadrature-Phase component in volts represented as Q (V)
Channel Frequency Response (CFR)
It is estimated after the frequency correction
➨H (f) = Y (f)/X (f) with simple linear interpolation
H (f) is CFR, Y (f) is the received preamble, X (f) is the reference preamble.
X axis is Carrier Index and Y axis is amplitude in dB.
Spectral flatness
It is Calculated after channel estimation by taking FFT for Preamble symbol.
Where x (n) is the received signal
Where X axis is Carrier Index and Y axis is Power in dB.
This physical layer measurement helps in understanding channel characteristics the transmitted signal
has traversed from far end to reach the receiver end.
AM-AM Conversion
The measurement of AM to AM conversion refers to the relationship between the amplitude of the input signal and the amplitude of the output signal in a nonlinear system, such as a power amplifier. This metric is used to measure how well an amplifier preserves the amplitude information of the input signal. In ideal amplifiers, the output amplitude is linearly proportional to the input amplitude. However, in real-world systems, especially at high power levels, nonlinearities cause distortions in this relationship. This results in compression or expansion of the signal amplitude, impacting signal fidelity and causing errors in communication systems.
AM-PM Conversion
This AM to PM conversion measures the unintended phase shift in the output signal as a function of the input signal amplitude in a nonlinear system. In ideal systems, the phase of the output signal should remain independent of the input amplitude. However, due to device imperfections, amplitude variations can introduce phase distortions. AM-PM conversion is critical in communication systems using phase modulation techniques, as it can degrade signal quality and increase bit error rates.
IQ Imbalance
IQ imbalance refers to the imperfections in the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of a signal in a quadrature modulator or demodulator,
leading to amplitude and phase mismatches.
In ideal systems, the I and Q components are orthogonal, with equal amplitudes and a phase difference of 90 degrees. Imperfections in the
modulator or demodulator can cause deviations, resulting in following.
• Amplitude Imbalance: Unequal gain between I and Q channels.
• Phase Imbalance: Phase error deviating from 90 degrees.
• These imbalances introduce distortions that degrade modulation accuracy, reduce spectral efficiency, and increase error rates.
The effect of IQ imbalance on constellation is shown in the following figure.
Phase Noise
Phase noise is the random fluctuation or jitter in the phase of a signal caused by imperfections in oscillators and frequency synthesizers.
Phase noise results from the instability of the signal source and manifests as sidebands around the carrier frequency in the frequency spectrum.
It degrades the performance of communication systems by causing following.
• Signal Interference: Overlapping with adjacent channels.
• Bit Error Rates: Introducing timing errors in high-speed communication.
• Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) Degradation: Impacting modulation accuracy.
• Effective phase noise management is crucial for applications requiring high precision, such as radar systems, satellite communications, and 5G networks.
The effect of phase noise on constellation is shown in the following figure.
OFDM physical layer measurements, including EVM, Power, CCDF, Spectrum and IQ analysis, are indispensable tools for maintaining signal quality and optimizing system performance. These metrics provide insights into various aspects of signal integrity, enabling engineers to identify issues and implement improvements effectively. By understanding and utilizing these measurements, wireless systems can achieve better reliability, efficiency, and overall communication quality.
Useful RF Measurements
AM-PM conversion
Error Vector Magnitude
RF measurements tutorial
CCDF measurement
Phase Noise to Jitter conversion
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Spectral Flatness in WiFi-7
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